We are an independent, Bible-believing, Baptist local church.
By independent, we mean:
A - Autonomy of the local church
P - Priesthood of believers
T - Two ordinances of the local church: scriptural baptism and the Lord's SuppeR
I - Individual soul liberty
S - Saved church membership
T - Two offices of the local church: pastor and deacon
S - Separation of church and state
- Charity is an autonomous local assembly; we are self-governing and are not subject to any outside religious hierarchy.
- Although we obey the laws of government related to certain matters, we refuse to recognize the authority of government in matters of doctrine, policy and ministry.
- The Head of the local church is the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
- The Bible is our sole rule of authority in all issues of doctrine and practice, and is fully reliable in any and all matters that it addresses.
- God has chosen to preserve His Word today in the King James Bible.
- Charity Baptist Fellowship continues the Baptist distinctives set forth by the local churches of the New Testament and their successors throughout the Church Age.
- We adhere to the Biblical principles revealed in the following acrostic :
A - Autonomy of the local church
P - Priesthood of believers
T - Two ordinances of the local church: scriptural baptism and the Lord's SuppeR
I - Individual soul liberty
S - Saved church membership
T - Two offices of the local church: pastor and deacon
S - Separation of church and state